Gyeongsang at night

Friday, May 05, 2006
A group of vietnamese students had fun lastfortnight for seeing off thier friend back to home. At midnight, they went to the toppest building in our campus and shot some snaps in their digicam. its an low end camera but these guys knew how to tweak it manual settings and for night effect they cjanged the exposure. Lo and behold!! a seemingly vvv ordinary campus transformed into a FANTASTIC location in thier hands.When one of this guy in our lab had this as his desktop pic,i was surprised to see the local landmarks. i got all the snaps and i post a couple of them here..

********Click the photos for Hi-Res images *******

The Univ. logo in front of the ENGLISH ONLY SPEAKING zone.
The building is uniqe. Its a dorm for Koreans where foriegn English teachers also have their quarters. No KOREAN language here.

The university library No.2..

Dorm..with the Cafeteria as entrance..

All the background buildings are outside the campus. They wer eunder construction when i arrived here. Now, all of them are occupied..

College of Engineering

More to come later.............

posted by Maridass Balasubramanian at 12:55 AM, |